Thursday, December 9, 2010

Final Post-a touch of reduncancy

Final thoughts, final mind is blank. I'll ask Lillith what she has to say...ah inspiration. I convinced my sister to name her cat after the succubus Lillith. I think names directly affect attitudes--she is a total demon.

Little Gidding: Fire

Now the hedgerow
Is blanched for an hour with transitory blossom
Of snow, a bloom more sudden
Than that of summer, neither budding nor fading,
Not in the scheme of generation.
Where is the summer, the unimaginable
Zero summer?

When snow falls on barren trees, it does not change the anatomy or composition of the plant. The chemical makeup of the tree or bush or flower doesn't shift. The plant remains dormant, seemingly unaffected by the fallen snow. It doesn't change. Right? I guess that could be similar to what I thought at the beginning of the semester last year, before Emergent Literature. Then we read T.S. Eliot....and James Joyce....and Cees Nooteboom. Then, this semester, I took Mythologies alongside Bible as Literature. Perception change much? I have gone through so many stages of apocalypse I feel like a whirlwind.....Snow changes trees. I see a white blossom upon every plant in the field. It falls but is replenished. It melts but it remains in vapor or water or ice upon trodden paths. It changes states but is still snow, water, ice and vapor, all at the same time. Temperature changes alter its state just like life changes alter mine. I have gone from Winifred to Miles City to Bozeman. I have gone from a reader to obsessor to making a career out of my obsession. My states have changed, my perception has been altered. Just like the trees. Their chemical composition remains just as I am still made of water, organs and skin but their states change. In winter they are white; in summer they are full of color and life. In the unimaginable zero summer they are clean or white with leprousy, depending on how you view them and what state you are in. It is a time of transition. For the tree and for the one looking upon its white, barren new lifelessness. Transition, rebirth, renewal, begin again, end again. Finnegan.

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

Myrrah, Daphne, Dryope, Heliades and many's to your snow covered branches and your zero summer.

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