Thursday, October 28, 2010

Modest Mouse...Bring it on Sally

So I think that the perfect song by Modest Mouse that depicts suffering is "Cowboy Dan". Sally I am terribly sorry but I will have to go ahead and prove you wrong. Here is the link. This song is prior to Job not snapping...this is the version where Job snaps and loses his mind utterly. He wages war on God..."He goes to the desert, fires his rifle at the sky and says, "God if I have to die you will have to die." Then the intensity of the song picks up and desperation creeps in... "He can't do it not even if sober. Can't get that engine turned over." This is just like the moment when Job can't bring himself to rise up from that dung heap, the moment beyond zero...Then comes solitude, a slowing of the music, a revelation, an epiphany..."Standing in the tall grass, thinking nothing, You know, we need oxygen to breathe, oxygen to breathe. Every time you think you're walking you're just moving the ground. Every time talking you're just moving your mouth. Every time you think you're looking, you're just looking down." This solace, this epiphanic moment comes in the realization that nothing is changeable, all is nothing. The man is finally accepting of his fate in oblivion; his fate in the world of the suffering. Trying to move, breathe, speak, he finds himself inadequate. No worse than inadequate, meaningless. But that is simply not enough. He comes back from the solitude and wages war yet again. The suffering and desperation is too great. This is a man who can not rationalize theodicy. This is a man who breaks for the suffering is too great. So how, after listening to the suffering put to music, reading suffering in the form of the book of Job, and experiencing suffering on a daily basis are we supposed to handle it? What is the proper way and why in the hell? I think blaming it on Satan is a cop out and I will continue to try to find an answer, but there is no way I can possibly answer a question of that magnitude at this point. One thing I must say, though, is that music helps. As Sexson was talking about in class today, "I sang because if I hadn't I surely would have died." I cry and laugh simultaneously because there is nothing else...there is only the laughter and the tears and the raw human emotion that makes everything real and saves us from the nothing. And now on sublimity...

1 comment:

  1. my response:
