Monday, November 15, 2010

Dream Time

I think having two Sexson classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays is messing with my brain. Yes, I had a dream about Dr. Sexson. I was at my home, in north-central Montana, and him and Rio (can't have a dream about Dr. Sexson and not have Rio in it) showed up in a huge Winnebego-like vehicle (its crazy how much that picture looks like the vehicle from my dream...maybe me subconcious secretly stores all images it sees of Winnebegos). It was all decked out with gear and they were dressed, very stereotypically as those funky hats, khaki shorts, binoculars, get the picture. They told me that they had come to explore our ranch and that they expected to find great things. After parking his explorer-vehicle in the swamp-like pond next to my grandma's house, Dr. Sexson, Rio and I began to walk up the road...I'm sure many great adventures succeeded this but sadly this is where the story ends. Also, Dr. Sexson had brown hair without a trace of white-otherwise he looked exactly the same. Wierdness...I guess that could connect to my new-found expert knowledge of Medea. She performed sorcery that caused Jason's father, Aeson, to regain his youth and return to his prime.

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